This is an ongoing project to create an online map of the industrial heritage of Ireland. The initial focus has been to mark all the current and former public railways on the island of Ireland and the stations thereon.
There are 65 main maps at a scale of 1:200000 along with inset maps for locations of significant concentration of railways. At this stage of the project, the urban tram systems in Dublin, Cork and Belfast and the single tram lines in Derry and Galway will not be included.
All maps at 1:200000 scale are now online - click on the map below to access these. Inset maps are indicated by a rectangle around the area shown on each map - the links to these are present. Most stations have a hotlink linking to a separate page for that station which gives further information about the station. I have excluded most level crossing based request stops added to various company networks in the 1930s at this stage (they will be added eventually).
The other omission is the stopping places on two 'rural' tramways in Dublin - the Dublin & Lucan Electric tramway (and extension to Leixlip) and the Hill of Howth Tramway. These will be added eventually.
The next stage of this project will see me add rivers/canals to the maps, as a means of better understanding the areas covered by the maps. The work to do this will also enable me to improve the accuracy of larger scale maps, which will allow for non linear IH features such as mills, factories etc to be added to the maps.