IH News 2021

End of the line for peat

The writing has been on the wall for some time for peat extraction in Ireland and Bord na Mona has now confirmed that peat harvesting has ceased. This also brings to an end the operation of the extensive narrow gauge railway network that BNM operated across the Midlands which included many level crossings and bridges.

The days of trains through Kylemore Lock in Galway are also over.

IH News 2021

Pot Still to move to Cork

The Times (paywall) reports that Jameson have received permission from Dublin City Council (conditional on Cork County Council consenting) to move an historic pot still from their distillery site in Dublin to that in Cork.

IH News 2021

The shit train

TalkRadio have a segment about a niche idea for a train powered by shit. (technically it is the methane from the shit but why miss the opportunity for a headline!).

I could see the usefulness of such small trains for lightly used services out of Limerick – the question would have to be does Limerick generate enough shit to keep a railway network running?