IH News 2024

Belfast railway network

With the opening of Grand Central Station in Belfast, this has led to a downgrade in one section of railway, that from Belfast Central Junction to City Junction.

Prior to the closure of Great Victoria Street, trains to/from Dublin ran to Lanyon Place via the old Belfast Central Railway line, departing at Central Junction. However, all internal trains ran via Great Victoria Street, using the Blythfield Curve to do so.

With the transfer of Dublin trains to Grand Central Station, there is no scheduled service between Central Junction (A) and City Junction (B) and the double track has been reduced to single track.

Belfast Railway Network
Belfast Railway Network – Copyright
IH News 2024

The Boyne Bridge, Belfast

I’m in two minds about this one.

The BBC reports that the Ulster Architectural Heritage Society are intending to take Translink to court in a bid to stop the demolition of the Boyne Bridge in Belfast as part of the latter’s plans to develop the area immediately adjacent to the new Grand Central Station.

Whilst part of me sees Translink mimicking CIE’s status as a property development company with the inconvenience of a public transport network attached, I can’t necessarily see that the bridge requires preservation and if it is worthy of preservation, does it absolutely need to be preserved at that location?

Boyne Bridge Belfast
Boyne Bridge Belfast. Copyright Ewan Duffy 2013.
IH News 2024

Belfast Grand Central Station

Having already opened for bus traffic, it has been reported that Belfast Grand Central Station is due to open for rail traffic on 13th October 2024.

Whilst I haven’t been up in Belfast in the last few months, I have looked at the track layout shown on OpenStreetmap and it looks like Westlink Junction is gone (where the Blythefield Curve joined the line from Central Junction to Great Victoria Street), instead, the line will curve around and run parallel to the Dublin line.

Access to/from the 8 platforms (4 island platforms) will be achieved by a series of crossovers.

Openstreetmap – Belfast Grand Central Station.

Update 14 October 2024. Well, whoever updated OSM got it wrong. There is a junction at Westlink Junction and the necessary crossovers are in place just north of this to facilitate all platform access.

IH News 2024

Harland & Wolff to enter administration

RTE reports that H&W Group Holdings PLC is to enter into administration, due to the company being insolvent.

As a technicality, the company that is entering administration is the holding company, which holds the shares in the 4 shipyards under its control and the shipyard in Belfast is not entering administration, nor are the other 3 shipyards the company owns.

IH News 2024 Overseas

Father of New York Subway

The BBC reports on the unveiling of a blue plaque in Strabane, Co. Tyrone, to commemorate Alexander Orr, who, from the article “is best known for helping finance and arrange construction of New York’s subway system”.

IH News 2024

Meelick Weir facilities

The Connacht Tribune reports on the absence of public facilities at or near the Meelick Weir walkway.

Whilst complimentary about Waterways Ireland’s part in restoring the walkway along the weir, they note that WI have not provided any facilities for those caught short.

When I was in Clones recently, looking at the new addition to the waterways of Ireland, I did notice the toilet block in Clones which was built as part of this. I am at a loss to understand why similar could not be provided at or near the Meelick Weir, especially as there does appear to be a control building at Meelick Lock:

IH News 2024

Irish Lights 120 years of Fastnet Lighthouse

The Southern Star reports on Cork TD Michael Collins calling for an upcoming internal Irish Lights celebration of 120 years of Fastnet Lighthouse to be held in Cork and not Dublin, given that Cork is where Fastnet Lighthouse is.

Whilst I can see his argument (and as a Dubliner, I can see that this event does look like them up in Dublin not considering anything beyond the Pale), given that this is an internal Irish Lights event, staff would need to be compensated for travel to/from Cork. I would not consider such expenditure to be appropriate.

Of course, there is nothing to stop Cork County Council sponsoring an event to commemorate this milestone.

IH News 2024

Nama sells last Docklands interest

The Irish Independent reports that the National Asset Management Agency, the Sate body setup in the aftermath of the property price crash at the end of the Celtic Tiger, has disposed of its last Dublin Docklands interest – a leasehold interest on a property adjacent to the Grand Canal Dock. The buyer of this property is none other than the freehold owner – Waterways Ireland.

I fear that WI may be trying to follow the CIE model of being a property development company with the inconvenience of a linear transport network attached. Having said that, there is a fine site for house boats in Clones – I could see WI getting into the international protection accommodation market by setting up something similar to these on the marina in Clones.

The spending by the occupants would bring economic development to Clones – after all, wasn’t that the plan?

IH News 2024

The Ulster Canal

Well, that was, underwhelming.

I paid a visit to Clones on Sunday to see this marvellous new canal, that is going to be the leading tourist attraction of South Ulster. The place was hopping with……

Well, not much really. Plenty of people walking, three water bikes for hire and a few canoes. Who’d have seen that coming.

I’ll have a full report soon (currently in Prague on holiday). However, a news article in the Anglo Celt caught my eye. It reports the CEO of Waterways Ireland, John McDonagh, stating that negotiations with landowners along the route of the canal between Clonfad and Castle Saunderson are taking place.

Are you stating, John, that you won’t have powers of Compulsory Purchase for this wonderful tourist attraction? Oh wait, no, the NI Government can see this as the white elephant that it is and sensibly won’t touch it with a bargepole.

Below is a Googlemaps view of Clonfad and the border:

Google hasn’t caught up with the new waterway yet. This ends in a field just at the border with Northern Ireland. The last section of the waterway is on a new alignment as there is a house in the way of the original alignment.

The thought struck me, that if the adjacent landowner(s) don’t want to play ball and either refuse to sell, or, better still, offers to sell, say, a 10m wide stretch of land running from the A3 ESE across the canal bed for 100m, to someone like me, the Ulster Canal is dead.

IH News 2024

Thon Sheugh in Clones reports that Phase 2 of Thon Sheugh, sorry, the Ulster Canal for those of us who are not illiterate, is opening.

From the blurb, you would think that this was something wonderful, describing this as the opening of the canal from Clones to Clonfad.

It is only when you get to the bottom of the article and you read this:

“Phase three of the restoration, when complete, will link phases one and two, and fully reopen the waterway from Clones to Lough Erne.”

that you realise that you, the taxpayer, have been conned.

What has been opened is an elongated, open air swimming pool in Clones. I am looking forward to visiting Clones shortly to count the boats on this new section of Sheugh.