
The Goodbodys: Millers and Manufacturers

The Ormond Historical Society will be holding the above titled talk, given by Reggie Goodbody at 20:00 on March 6th 2023 in the Abbey Court Hotel in Nenagh.

All are welcome.


Adventures of a ‘Fighting Railway’: the Belfast Central Railway, 1864-1885

H/T to John Gibbons for bringing this talk to my attention. The talk is hosted by the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) on 28th February 2023 at 13:00.

The event is free but pre-booking is required.


Château d’Eau de Knocknaheeny

RTE’s 100 building series has another IH feature – this time, the water tower at Knocknaheeny in Cork.


Lucan North station

Whilst out volunteer litter picking* on the Royal Canal between Confey and Clonsilla yesterday, I noticed that either Waterways Ireland or Irish Rail had cleared the overgrowth around the old Lucan North railway station, better revealing the former waiting shelter.

Lucan North railway station and waiting shelter. Copyright Ewan Duffy 2023

* I had a few passers by on the canal towpath thank me for doing litter picking. Whilst this is nice, the thought struck me – if you think that someone doing litter picking is a worthwhile social activity, why aren’t you partaking in the activity?