IH News 2022

We never learn

RTE reports that €35m of funds received under the Brexit Adjustment Reserve Fund will be spent to “rejuvenate public piers and harbours”.

Laudable as this may be, I am at a loss to see how, exactly, this promotes economic development as a means to ameliorate the negative impact of Brexit. The move stinks of pork barrel politics.


The Bull Lighthouse, Co. Cork

RTE have archive footage about the lighthouse on The Bull off the Beara Peninsula in Co. Cork, which was taken in 1979. One of the ‘mod cons’ noted as available to the lighthousekeepers was a TV. I wonder did they have a TV licence?


Carroll’s, Dundalk

RTE’s 100 Buildings series has an article about the Carroll’s tobacco factory in Dundalk.


ESB Design/DUTC Flying Snail

RTE are running a series – 100 Buildings – which is a look at 100 features in Irish structures.

One of these articles looks at the building of electricity substations as part of the electrification of Ireland that followed the commissioning of the Ardnacrusha power station.

An interesting fact therein is that the ESB in house designer who produced the early ESB logo, which was a wave and thunderbolt design that can still be seen on some structures around the country, also worked as a freelancer and in this capacity, designed the flying snail logo for the Dublin United Tramway Company (which was retained by CIE upon its creation in 1945).

ESB old Logo, South Circular Road, Dublin 8.
ESB old Logo, South Circular Road, Dublin 8. Copyright Ewan Duffy 2021
Flying Snail Logo - Copyright Ewan Duffy 2022
Flying Snail Logo – Copyright Ewan Duffy 2022

Train hits plane in L.A.

Trains hitting road vehicles on the line is, unfortunately, not uncommon, especially at level crossings.

RTE reports on an incident involving a light aircraft crash landing onto a railway line in Los Angeles in the USA and being hit by a train shortly afterwards.