IH News 2020 Locations

Iveagh Markets – a new twist

The Iveagh Markets in Dublin 8 have been an on/off story over the last few years, due to proposals to re-develop the site by a publican/property developer.

Due to the failure of same to actually carry out the proposals, Dublin City Council re-took possession of the Iveagh Markets and legal action ensued.

There has now been a new twist in the saga – when the Iveagh Markets were transferred to Dublin Corporation (as it was then) shortly after its completion, a reverter clause was included which required the building to be used as a market for locals in the area.

Lord Iveagh activated the reverter clause earlier this week and has re-taken possession of the building and had new locks applied.

History Locations


I came upon an entry in the NIAH database for 10 Euston Street, Greenore, which included the following statement:

” Built for the workers of the Great Northern Railway, which was completed in 1873″.

As the site includes an option to email suggested amendments, I did so, pointing out that the houses were built for the Dundalk Newry and Greenore Railway. I received the following response:

” Our records suggest that the workers’ houses on the east side of Euston Street were completed in 1872, which, strictly speaking, means that they were built by the Dundalk and Greenore Railway (D&GR) Company.  The company was renamed a year later to include Newry in the title. “

Point taken and in fairness to the NIAH, they have advised that they will be amending the record in due course to remove reference to the Great Northern Railway.


Mullingar signal cabin

RTE randomly provided this archive clip of the closure of Mullingar signal cabin in 2005 on their site today.

Greenways IH News 2020

South Kerry Greenway approved

RTE reports that An Bord Pleanála has approved the plans for the greenway along the bulk of the trackbed of the former Farranfore to Valentia Harbour railway in Kerry and associated compulsory purchase orders.

One wonders what the point of a greenway in a lockdown State is.


The architecture of the Great Northern Railway in Meath

Meath Archaeological and Historical Society are hosting an online (Zoom) talk on the above topic. The speaker, Siobhan Osgood, has researched the architecture of the GNR(I) extensively.

Registration for the talk is required – see the MAHS website for details.

IH News 2020

Bloody Sunday Bridge

RTE reports that the bridge over the Royal Canal at Russell Street/Jones’ Road in Dublin is to be renamed Bloody Sunday Bridge, in commemoration of the events of Bloody Sunday (21 November 1920) when the Black and Tans fired on attendees at a match in Croke Park.


Saved by a whale

I’m sure when the relevant authorities commissioned and installed an art work in Spijkenisse in The Netherlands, the sculpture (of a whale) playing a part in railway safety wasn’t part of the consideration.

Nonetheless, this is what happened when a Metro train overran its buffer stop and came to rest on the tail of the whale.

IH News 2020 Locations

Design proposal for Docklands mill building

I don’t know is this is a planning application or just an architectural proposal looking for a home, but I link to this proposal for a vertical extension to one of the historic mill buildings fronting onto Grand Canal Dock in Dublin.

IH News 2020

For the brave (or foolhardy)

Another railway cottage up for sale – however, it is a complete renovation job and comes with the caveat that electricity, water and septic tank are “on site” which doesn’t mean that they are connected.


The damn dams

The BBC have an interesting article about “how dams have reshaped our planet“.