IH News 2020 Locations

Iveagh Markets – a new twist

The Iveagh Markets in Dublin 8 have been an on/off story over the last few years, due to proposals to re-develop the site by a publican/property developer.

Due to the failure of same to actually carry out the proposals, Dublin City Council re-took possession of the Iveagh Markets and legal action ensued.

There has now been a new twist in the saga – when the Iveagh Markets were transferred to Dublin Corporation (as it was then) shortly after its completion, a reverter clause was included which required the building to be used as a market for locals in the area.

Lord Iveagh activated the reverter clause earlier this week and has re-taken possession of the building and had new locks applied.


Guinness Roll of Honour

The Western Front Association are holding an event in the Dublin City library on Pearse Street, Dublin 2, on 4th April 2020 from 14:00 – 17:00.

The presentation looks at a number of Guinness employees who served in WW1, returning to employment in Guinness after the war. Further details can be found here.