
Northern Ireland Heritage Open Days 2024

European Heritage Open Days takes place in Northern Ireland on 14th and 15th September 2024.

I was going to create a listing of events, however, the website developers have setup their site to not permit deep linking to specific events. As such, I will not be compiling a list of events.

History Overseas

Industry in Roman Britain

The BBC have an article about the industries of Roman Britain which is interesting.


The Cable that Changed the World

RTE One will be showing a documentary programme on Monday 12 August 2024 at 21:35, about the transatlantic cable connecting Valentia Island in Kerry to Newfoundland.


Old Head of Kinsale Lighthouse

The lighthouse at the Old Head of Kinsale will be open for public tours on 31st August and 1st September 2024.

The cost of entry is €15/adult (family ticket available). No pre-booking is required. The funds raised are for the Lusitania Museum & Old Head Signal Tower.


Culture Night 2024

Culture Night 2024 takes place on 20th September 2024. I’ve had a look through the Culture Night events lists and there isn’t much from an IH perspective – only identifying 2 events as follows:


Turlough Hill 50th Birthday Bash


History & Culture Tour at the Creamery

Both events require pre-booking – the relevant links are on the event pages above.


Heritage Week 2024

I have done another review of the Heritage Week listings and have updated the events page to reflect this.


Kilkenny Mills, Kells

RTE has put an archive segment from 1984 on their website, reporting on the Kilkenny Mills in Kells, Co. Kilkenny.


Drones and IH

One of the many things on my to do list is to learn how to fly a drone, given the enormous possibilities it offers in the arena of IH recording.

In advance of that happening (no scheduled date unfortunately), I link to this Youtube channel, by the name of DroneHawk, (I don’t know who the owner/content creator of the site is) which has excellent footage of both recent engineering works, such as the Dunkettle interchange/Foynes railway relaying and footage of historic railway alignments.

IH News 2024

Meelick Weir facilities

The Connacht Tribune reports on the absence of public facilities at or near the Meelick Weir walkway.

Whilst complimentary about Waterways Ireland’s part in restoring the walkway along the weir, they note that WI have not provided any facilities for those caught short.

When I was in Clones recently, looking at the new addition to the waterways of Ireland, I did notice the toilet block in Clones which was built as part of this. I am at a loss to understand why similar could not be provided at or near the Meelick Weir, especially as there does appear to be a control building at Meelick Lock:


The Glendalough Railway

No, there was never a railway to Glendalough, Co. Wicklow. However, as with most places in Ireland of any significance, proposals to build such a line were made in the 19th Century.

The Greystones Guide has an article by Gary Paine about this.