IH News 2021

Scotland to Northern Ireland Tunnel

In addition to the Boris bikes and the London cable car (but not the Garden Bridge, which was cancelled), the failed Prime Minister of the UK is edging closer to his Caligula moment with the proposals for a road/rail tunnel from Scotland to Northern Ireland.

It is rare that I find myself agreeing with Tory MPs, but on this one, I have to agree with Simon Hoare MP, who has suggested that trains in the tunnel could be hauled by unicorns and “overseen by stern, officious dodos”.

He continued “A PushMePullYou could be the senior guard and Puff the Magic Dragon the inspector.”

IH News 2021

Coalisland & East Tyrone: Historical Manufacturing Base of Mid Ulster

This is a link to a new website designed to provide information on the industrial heritage of the Coalisland/East Tyrone area.

IH News 2021

Rail line to Navan

The Meath Chronicle reports on a new assessment of a railway line to Navan.

As with most things in this country, there are so many layers of “government” and each expects some other layer to do the work but wants to be able to claim the credit when something eventually happens.

Let me give Meath County Council and its councillors some advice. You want a railway line to Navan? Then zone 1km each side of the existing trackbed from M3 Parkway to Navan for high density housing.

Better still? Establish SDZ zones in those areas and include financing for a railway line with the planning permission.

I’d also suggest approaching it in two phases. Zone sufficient land as far as the R125 outside Dunshaughlin, allowing for an extension of the line to “Dunshaughlin Parkway”, some 700m south of the original Drumree Station. This would serve as a station for Dunshaughlin and also allow for diversion of traffic off the M3 (see below).

A future extension to Navan would be easier to achieve if it only has to run from here to Navan and not M3 Parkway.


Dungloe Road Stationmaster’s house?

When searching for something else, the following listing on came up.

It raised red flags immediately as I knew this was not Dungloe Road Station in Donegal. The blurb states that it is the former stationmaster’s house and it is indeed located to the south of the former station complex. However, agents (as the L&BER called them) houses on the L&BER were generally two storey affairs such as was provided at Burtonport (demolished) or at others such as at Meenbannad and at Crolly Station.

I am not convinced that this is a former railway property.

IH News 2021

Charlemont Lock, Grand Canal Basin, Dublin

Planning permission has been granted to Waterways Ireland to restore Charlemont Lock at the entrance to the Grand Canal Basin in Dublin. From the planning application: ” The development will consist of restoring the existing lock chamber and gates at Camden Lock. The proposed works will include the installation of new timber lock gates including a pedestrian walkway over the breast gates, new hydraulic rams to allow for automation of the gates including associated ducting and new land tie collars and underground concrete anchor at each heel post. The works will also include the removal of the existing temporary steel stop logs, tilting weir and footbridge.”

Charlemont Lock is the largest of the three locks at this point – the purpose in having three locks of different sizes was to minimise water loss when letting smaller boats pass through the locks.


Irish Rail Blog

Not something I’d tend to hang out on – I have better things to do with my life.

However, Google gave me a link to this post on Irish Rail’s blog, which is a brief overview of a Civil War shooting near Mallow Station in Co. Cork.

IH News 2021

Back in October last year, I posted to note the passing of Brian J Goggin, amongst other things, the creator of the excellent website

Today, a new post appeared on same, posted by his family, noting that the site has been archived by the National Library of Ireland and can be accessed here.


The Iveagh Trust Buildings

Youtube directed me towards this short video on the Dublin City Libraries YouTube channel about the Iveagh Trust Buildings in Dublin.

Although dating from 2009, it is as relevant today as it was then.

IH News 2021

End of the line for peat

The writing has been on the wall for some time for peat extraction in Ireland and Bord na Mona has now confirmed that peat harvesting has ceased. This also brings to an end the operation of the extensive narrow gauge railway network that BNM operated across the Midlands which included many level crossings and bridges.

The days of trains through Kylemore Lock in Galway are also over.

History Locations

Youghal old bridge

RTE Archives have an historical report from 1965 about the old bridge between Cork and Waterford east of Youghal.