IH News 2021 Locations

Cork – Macroom railway trackbed drone footage

There is drone footage on Youtube of the former Cork to Macroom railway trackbed visible again, due to low water levels in the reservoir beneath which it lies. What is interesting about the footage is that it was taken by Cork North-West TD Aindrias Moynihan (who said TDs aren’t good for something!)

History Locations

Sparrowsland, Co. Wexford

Sparrowsland was a temporary terminus on the line from Palace East, short of the DW&WR railway line at Macmine (which became Macmine Junction when the line from Palace East finally connected).

By looking at the 25 inch OS maps online, I have figured out where this was and have added a page to the Gazetteer reflecting this.


Athboy – then and now

I am going through my old photos and came across one of the former loco shed and water tower at Athboy, Co. Meath, taken in 2000:

Athboy Co. Meath
Water tower and Locomotive shed
Athboy Co. Meath, Water tower and Locomotive shed, copyright Ewan Duffy 2000

The site has since been adaptively reused as housing – see Google Street view below:


Sean Heuston Memorial, Phoenix Park, Dublin

I only recently found out about this, notwithstanding that I live only a couple of miles away (always the way that you don’t visit something on your doorstep).

In the People’s Garden section of the Phoenix Park (south east corner of the park), there is a memorial bust to 1916 volunteer Sean Heuston, after whom, Heuston Station is named.

Sean Heuston Memorial
Phoenix Park, Dublin
Sean Heuston Memorial, Phoenix Park, Dublin. Copyright Ewan Duffy 2021

Straffan Station

I was out and about today to get a photo of the site of Straffan Station for the Gazetteer. Whilst the station has long since disappeared, when driving by the former station road entrance, I noticed a railway cottage remaining that I had never spotted before:

I can’t show the photo I took as my camera has since died and I don’t have a memory card reader.


The Round House, Lanesborough

Nothing to do with railways (there were very few round houses in Ireland – I have only identified 6 in the history of railways in Ireland) but a house built by Bord na Mona in its housing complex in Lanesborough, Co. Roscommon.

The house has been on the market since 2018 (it would appear to be an executor sale as I also found a death notice from 2018 stating that the deceased was “formerly of The Round House, Lanesboro”) and was on the market then at €117k.

I became aware of the property’s IH connection last year (in fact, if it wasn’t for COVID and the inability to travel, I may have put in an offer) when it was advertised as for sale at €120k. In the last few weeks, the asking price has now increased to €125k.

Normally, if a property hasn’t sold in 3 years, it is because the price is too high, in which case, the thing to do is reduce the price, not increase it.

IH News 2021 Locations

Station House, Monaghan

Just a link to the website for a new co-working hub located in Monaghan Town, in the former railway station.


Dungloe Road Stationmaster’s house?

When searching for something else, the following listing on came up.

It raised red flags immediately as I knew this was not Dungloe Road Station in Donegal. The blurb states that it is the former stationmaster’s house and it is indeed located to the south of the former station complex. However, agents (as the L&BER called them) houses on the L&BER were generally two storey affairs such as was provided at Burtonport (demolished) or at others such as at Meenbannad and at Crolly Station.

I am not convinced that this is a former railway property.

History Locations

Youghal old bridge

RTE Archives have an historical report from 1965 about the old bridge between Cork and Waterford east of Youghal.


Not worth it

Found this railway property for sale on – €130k for a burnt out shell of a former stationmaster’s house on a railway line with no services. It is an offer I can happily refuse.